A note from personal experience:

I have Venus 1.23 degrees in Aquarius. My Venus is trine mars in Gemini and trine Pluto in Libra. The easy and supportive aspect between Venus and Mars have (I think!) always enabled me to be in relationships and I have more or less always been in a love relationship. However, I have Venus square Uranus. My own interpretation is that that may make me somewhat unpredictable in love. Moreover, having Venus in Aquarius just makes me pursue non-mainstream types of personalities. As a result, I have often surprised people with my choice of men. The unpredictable aspect is also evident in the fact that I have been married two times, I have lived with three men, and a fourth big love of my life was my childhood and teenage boyfriend. However, they have all been long-term and deep relationships. I have had breaks in between each relationship, however, very briefly.
An interesting twist to my four important relationships I have had, is the fact that they all have birthday on the 7th. Not within the same month, but just the 7th. May 7th, March 7th, November 7th, and February 7th. I am not into numerology at all, but it is quite peculiar.
Transits at romantic meetings: When I study the transits that I have had when starting my relationships, I don’t necessarily see a consistent pattern. I had transiting mercury trine Venus and conjunct Mars when I got into my first relationship. Additionally, Chiron was transiting my descendant. My north node at that time was conjunct natal mercury and Jupiter. I am not sure about the meaning of this, but we generally had a great relationship and no fights. We had a minor break up after a year, and then picked up again as the north node transited my Venus. In general, the relationship has had an important impact on my life, mainly because he died three years later. And I had always thought he would be a part of my life forever. So it was a big shock. When I met my college boyfriend, north node was transiting my ascendant – I got out of my grief and become a ‘normal’ person again. Transiting mars was conjunct natal mars and trine natal Venus, and transiting Venus was conjunct my Vertex. Again combined love and destiny. My college boyfriend was German and he works in the German military. The German culture ended up being to overwhelming for me. He was brought up to believe a woman should stay at home, which I am not raised to believe at all. Thus, we had some small conflicts, which eventually ended the relationship. I will get into the transits at endings in a different post.
When I met my ex-husband, I had Uranus transiting Venus. However, we did not have a love relationship until 9 months later. So the first 9 months were platonic. When we started our love relationship, I had transiting Venus conjunct natal Moon and Saturn. I had Mercury transiting natal Mars (as at my first relationship meeting). It may mean that it enables me to communicate my drive or pursue it in some way. Neptune was slowly sneaking up to my natal Venus, and the relationship did turn out to be quite illusionary from my point of view. It never became what I thought it would, and I was often in doubt about the relationship. Though we got two wonderful girls, I would highly recommend that you are careful with Neptune involved in transits to Venus at relationship meeting points. My north node was transiting natal Pluto, and I guess that it signals the large life changing factors this relationship brought to me. The association with a different country, the US, and having two children.
Read more about the meaning of the planets here
When I met my current husband, Mercury was transiting natal Venus – and my husband has Venus 2 degrees in Aquarius, so tightly conjunct my Venus. I thus had mercury trine mars as well at the meeting. When I got pregnant nine months later with our son, we both had north node transiting natal and composite Venus. At our meeting, I also had Pluto transiting my ascendant, thus opposing my descendant, Moon and Saturn!! This, I believe, signal that it was a challenging event in the sense that I had two girls from a previous marriage. We all, in particular me, had to figure out how to handle coordination, the involvement of my new husband with my other children. We had to move to a larger house, so the girls and I left our beloved little townhouse, which the girls still call their home. Thus, many changes were involved and difficult questions had to be answer: For example, I think my ex-husband still hoped for me to come back.
In conclusion, Venus has been aspected by Mercury at three of the meetings. Mars has always been aspected too, either by Mars or Mercury. During two relationships, I have experienced north node transiting Venus. This has not been at the meeting point, but at a reunion and at a pregnancy. Other planets involved indicate the meaning of the initial relationship: My first relationship was light hearted and fun – signaling the north node transit to Jupiter and mercury. My second relationship pulled me forward in life reflected by north node transiting ascendant. My third relationship and first marriage was illusionary reflected by Neptune involved with Venus, and my current relationship has brought upon profound changes in my life which can be identified by Pluto being involved with the ascendant/descendant line, Moon (the home!) and Saturn (structures that became restructured).
Just from my own experiences, I would say that the transits at your love relationship meeting point will indicate what type of relationship you are entering. And, for some reason, mercury or mars are transiting mars or Venus, which may be the final ability to initiate the relationship. I don’t know but try to investigate it yourselfJ
NB: A fantastic webpage to explore your natal chart and transits for free is astrodienst.com