Understanding your family and the influence of astrological positions may make you more aware of different dynamics and in becoming better at understanding and handle these. I will use my own family as an example:
My family consists of my husband (an Aquarius), my daughters (Libra and Aries), my son (Leo) and partly my ex-husband (a Scorpio). I myself is a Pisces. In our family we have two major daily challenges. One is the fact that I have remarried and my two oldest children are from a previous marriage. Many people know of the divorce challenges with children. Our second challenge is that my ex husband is American, my two oldest children are both American and Danish citizens and my youngest, my husband and I are Danish. I am not sure how we manage all of challenges sometimes.
We strive for patience and compromise, but it certainly is a lot of hard work!! For all of us!! I think I will use this page to discuss daily modern family issues, how we handle it and then put it in a continuous astrological perspective. Since that is what I often do when I try to analyze some of our issues.
There is one particular thing that I have noticed in my children’s horoscopes which is the fact that they consists of a lot of fire. My Leo son, also have moon in Leo. My Aries daughter also have moon and mercury in Aries. Both children have their moon conjunct sun. My daughter has mercury, moon and sun conjunct each other. They both have very strong personalities. My oldest Libra daughter has moon and mars conjunct each other in Sagittarius. The peculiar thing is that I have no planets in fire signs. However, I have north node in Sagittarius conjunct my daughters moon and mercury. And I have vertex in Leo conjunct my sons moon and sun. I have often thought that they make up for what I miss in my own personality, and they pull me forward, which is great. Actually, most of my friends are born in fire signs as well. So there must be something about the fact that we seek what we lack in our own personalities.
I myself have a lot of water in my natal chart, with sun in Pisces and moon in Cancer, and a lot of air. Venus, mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius. When we handle problems in our family, my kids are great because of their enthusiasm (fire!!) and willingness to try out new things and make everything work out. Regarding my ex-husband, I am mostly able to convince of issues regarding the children and their wellfare because that is the most important thing in his life (Scorpio father). My current husband (Aquarius) is the great rationalist and thinker who never gets to emotional with our challenges. I am the octopus (Pisces) keeping everything coordinated and together.
Explore your family sun astrology:
More specifically, I have been wondering about my family and its composition since I began this blog on learning astrology. One particular thing came to my mind. What are our composite sun? If you what to know moe about general compositions and relationships, please check out: The Composite Chart: Relationship Astrology | Cafe Astrology .com
What I am interested in here is the composite sun of our entire family. Now having a modern family that means that I need to calculate it in different variations. First I will look at my immediate family including my husband, my three children and myself. I will look up each family members sun placement, add them together and divide the number with the number of family members. When I have found the placement of our composite sun. I will look at my natal chart to see how this family matters to me.
My husbands sun is placed at 18.03 degrees in Aquarius. Aquarius is the eleventh sign. Each sign has 30 degrees. Thus before Aquarius we have 10 x 30 = 300 plus 18.03 = 318.03 degrees.
My oldest daughters sun is placed at 21.13 in Libra. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Thus before Libra we have 6 x 30 degrees = 180 plus 21.13 = 201.13 degrees.
My second daughters sun is placed at 22.59 in Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Thus we maintain the 22.59 degrees.
My sons sun is placed at 16.45 in Leo. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Thus we have 4 x 30 = 120 degrees plus 16.45 = 136.45
My own sun is placed at 12.11 degrees in Pisces. Pisces is the twelve sign of the zodiac. Thus we have 11 x 30 = 330 plus 12.11 = 342.11 degrees.
Now I will add all the five different placements: 318.03+201.13+22.59+136.45+342.11 = 1020.31. This number I will now divide with 5. This gives me 204.06. I can get an entire 30 degrees 6 times (180 degrees) then I have 24.06 degrees left. This means that our composite sun is placed in the seventh sign of the zodiac at 24.06 degrees. The seventh sign is Libra.
This placement of 24.06 degrees in Libra is very close to my oldest daughters sun placement, which means that our family of five must mean a lot to her and her individuality. The placement is conjunct my Uranus in my 9th house. Uranus means that unpredictable issues, breaking free and excitement are themes. The 9th house indicates travel, philosophy and higher education. We indeed do travel a lot and we often combine it with education and/or work. This is actually very funny to explore this meaning.
If I only take my husband, my own sun and my sons. One of my daughters moved away from home and my other daughter stays a lot with her dad. This gives me a lot of time with only my current husband and son. Then I will add 318.03+136.45+342.11 = 796.59. This number I will divide with 3 since we are 3 people. This gives me 265.53. I can get an entire 30 degrees 8 times and then I have 25.53 degrees left in the 9th sign. The 9th sign is Sagittarius and 25.53 degrees is exactly conjunct my north node amazing. Thus my husband and son brings me forward in life, which may in fact be true. They have enabled me with many things; like living a modern family:-)
Try it for yourself with your family. See how they bring meaning to you or to other family mmbers. It is a lot of fun. If you don’t have an astrology software or don’t know your sun placements, you can find them for free on astrodienst. They have a wide selection of charts.