The Capricorn rising is serious in the approach to the world, problemsolving and in meeting other people. The rising sign, also called ascendant, shows how you merge the outer world with your inner being characterised by the sun and moon.
I have 3 degree Capricorn ascendant. My daughter has 26 degree Capricorn ascendant. Though it is far apart, it is still within the same sign. The sign of Capricorn, and I see many parallels in our approach to handling problems or how we handle daily issues. And that is exactly what the ascendant is all about. It is the mask we wear when we meet people and approach daily challenges.
It is often said that Capricorn rising are often serious children and youngsters while becoming more relaxed as they grow older. It is also said that Capricorn rising children have large responsibilities.
The Capricorn duties
Capricorn is an earth sign, which is bound to practicality. Thus, there is an sense of making duties and abstract issues into hands on reachable elements by writing things down, planning for things, calculating things. In this way, our duties and sometimes difficulties become approachable issues. My entire life, since I was a child, I have sat down with some type of notebook, planner, budget or calendar and started writing down what I needed to do. Especially, when I was in the midst of chaotic situations and didn’t know how to get out of it. It became my way out. I see some of the same tendencies with my daughter, though not as strongly. Rather she may show concerns of our family’s daily chores. Of course, there also is a difference in my own and my daughters upbringing.
My mother left my family when I was 10 years old. I have three younger siblings. My brothers are seven and eight years younger than me and I have been taking care of them a lot. Mainly we stayed with my father and I had to help out. I took care of my brothers, and I did a lot of house duties. It never really bothered me in the sense that I have ever blamed anyone or anything for it. I took upon the responsibilities. When I was a teenager and seeing friends and my first boyfriend, it was quite normal that I would bring along one of my siblings. I did it as the most natural thing in the world. It never really bothered me, and I think therefore it never bothered my friends either. I also started planning a lot. That was how I got through it. I made a calendar with a specific duty each day. That way it was more manageable. As my siblings got older, I would give them duties to. However, that is the one thing that they have always blamed me for. They see me as the
older sister who wants to decide what they should do. Unfortunately, it is still like that. Even though I have no such intentions. But, I also don’t want to be the only one doing house work. It is still like that if we all meet at my fathers place for Christmas for example. My father never remarried.
My daughter on the other hand, she is the second child. She has never had the responsibility of younger siblings. Sometimes her little brother, but she usually gets paid for it when she twice a month looks after him. However, I have noticed that she feels extremely uncomfortable if we forget things. She will be the one at the door in the morning, asking me if I remembered this and that. She is terrified of forgetting to hand in a note, not having her gym clothes with her, or that I forget a meeting in school, picking her up at a friends house
and all these things. I believe the reason is from her father and my divorce where I did forget a lot of things, and I did act a little confused. Because I was. And I can be kind of careless with some things I am a Pisces nevertheless:). She will literally remind me with text messages during the day, and if I am 30 seconds behind, she is calling!!! She also have her little notebooks, and I am completely sure that she ALWAYS do her homework and hand in her stuff. She just never forgets things.
I have learned to loosen up as I got older, but I still plan. However, having three kids, a full time job plus hobbies and doing sport sometimes
I don’t have the time for planning but I have it all in boxes and lists in my head. And as an adult, I have always had budgets. I know exactly what money I have and how I spend them. I hope my daughter also will learn to loosen up for the anxious part associated with the Capricorn rising the fear of loosing control or being in a humiliating situation. Because that is what it is. Behind our Capricorn mask we are not that structured and serious at all, which often surprises people when they get to know us.
For more on Capricorn Ascendant – also called Capricorn Rising – check out: Capricorn Rising Sign Traits & Appearance in Astrology, Ascendant (cosmopolitan.com) and More on Capricorn Ascendant, Capricorn Rising Sign | Cafe Astrology .com