The comprehension of an astrological natal chart
A natal chart serves as a graphical representation of the positions of planets in our solar system at the precise moment of an individual’s birth. This celestial map follows an ancient mathematical methodology, which initially considers the hemisphere within a 360-degree perspective. The planets are then situated within this circular framework, starting from the birthplace.
I would like to note that It’s important to distinguish between astronomy and astrology. While astronomy delves into the complexities of physics and chemistry, focusing on factors such as planetary distances, astrology adopts a simpler mathematical approach. This approach facilitates a deeper understanding of the interconnections between celestial bodies. Despite the differentiation between astronomy and astrology, it’s worth noting the historical development of these disciplines. For further insights, you can refer to one of my previous posts My first blog post – Astrology made simple.
Astrology’s simplified mathematical framework offers insights into personality traits through calculated interrelations. While mainstream scientific circles may disregard astrology as ‘non-scientific,’ it’s essential to acknowledge the extensive investigations, readings, and interpretations conducted by astrologers over millennia. I agree that astrology may sometimes serve as entertainment for some. Yet, there exists a wealth of ‘non-public’ research suggesting that astrological readings can offer insights into the future, akin to other statistical predictions.
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in astrology. For example, a few years ago it was accentuated that astrology has grown in popularity. This has resulted in an area of interest for investors. See for example this article from the independent:
The natal chart is the basics of the understanding of astrology. It is mathematically calculated how the planets are placed at time of birth. Doing a natal chart reading involves identifying the placements, not just in their respective signs, but also their house positions and planetary aspects.
Houses, Planets and Aspects
The first thing I Identify in a natal chart is simply the overall impression which is particularly influenced by aspects between planets. Thus, secondary is the actual signs involved. It is quickly to see whether there are large clusters of planets, Grand trines, T-squares or Grand square (see Aspect Patterns in an Astrology Chart | Cafe Astrology .com). Such patterns give an overall impression. Grand trines illustrate easy flows of energies versus grand squares which show more active energies but also more challenges. When I have this overview, I gradually start to identify the where the different planets are placed where I firstly focus on the signs. The signs of the planets illustrate the form of energy surrounding the type of planet. Thus, I start to identify the elements as well. There are four elements:
Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
A really good description of these elements can be found on Readers Digest written by Astrologer Molly Pennington, PhD What the Zodiac Signs Elements Mean: Are You Fire, Earth, Air, or Water? ( To sum up, Fire signs often show more enthusiasm, independence and confidence. Water signs are typically more emotionally oriented, intuitive and imaginative. Earth signs are practical, detailed and are often quite straightforward and grounded. Air signs are more distant, rational and intellectual. Therefore, the next step is to identify how the majority of the planets are placed, which will indicate the overall forms of energies.
I then look further into the house placements, but particularly whether any of the planets are placed on an angle. These points are significant because they represent key areas of life and personality. They provide insights into the individuals identity and experience. These points are:
Ascendant (Rising sign): represents the outer personality and how you approach the world, new situations, and challenges. This point is also associated with physical appearance.
Descendant is the opposite point of the ascendant. It signifies relationships and partnerships. It represents how you interact with others in a one-on-one relationship. It is also associated with qualities that you seek in others.
Midheaven (MC – Medium Coeli): This is on a different axis. It is at the cusp of the 10th house. This point is typically linked to career, public image and reputation. It represents your goals, ambitions, career path and how you are seen in your professional life.
Imum Coeli (IC) is the opposite point of MC. Contrary to the MC it signifies your roots, home, family life. Thus it represents your private life, childhood, and innermost feelings. Therefore this point is often associated with what you find comfortable and secure.
Finally, when having these more significant influences in place, I would start looking more specifically at into each single placement of planets, aspects and also the house in which they are placed. In order to be able to interpret the angles or points as well as houses, the birth time is important since these points changes every minute and takes a full circle – thus goes around the zodiac chart within 24 hours.
For more information on how to read and understand your natal chart visit Café Astrology. They make really good descriptions: Understanding the Astrological Chart Wheel | Cafe Astrology .com
A Natal Chart Example
Below is my own natal chart. I will try to give some interpretation examples from this chart. The chart is made by AstroDienst. You can get your natal chart from this site for free. This is one of the most recommended astrological webpages. It is really good and informative.

As you can see I have two Grand Trines – in one of them, I even have five planets involved. The Grand Trines are the blue connecting lines. with several planets involved. Thus, I have an easy flow between Pluto, Venus and Mars. It signifies a powerful and harmonious flow of energies. This Grand Trine shows a smooth blend between transformation (Pluto), love and money (Venus), and drive and assertiveness (Mars). It suggests a powerful alignment of personal values, desires and actions. Directly relating this to my personality, I suppose that I have always been very open and honest having little trouble in achieving what I put my mind too. Moreover, you can see that these planets are all in air signs. This signifies that this energy is rational enabling a distant approach to several areas in life. However, I would now like to highlight that I have the sun and the moon in water signs which are very emotionally driven signs and therefore balance the airy Grand Trine. I am a very intuitive and emotionally charged human being😊. Therefore, it is always important to try to understand the great picture in order to prevent a too narrow interpretation of a person.
The other Grand Trine consists of Uranus in Libra (Air), Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius (Air) and Saturn in Gemini (Air) but also the Moon in Cancer (Water). Having a Grand Trine involving two different kinds of elements shows that these planets are close to the cusp/deviation between signs. This Grand Trine shows an harmonious interrelation between several forms of energies such as intellect, innovation, discipline and intuition. It shows a thirst for knowledge but also constantly seeking different perspectives (typically me!), but also a drive for freedom while being very home oriented. I travel a lot, but I always, always, always return to my origin. It is further said that this aspect suggests a natural aptitude for problem solving, visionary thinking and personal growth. I would like to think so, but this is also the most positive parts of my natal chart.
Looking further into the angles, we see a duality between the ascendant – how I approach the world and new situations – and the descendant which has Saturn and the Moon sitting right on top of that angle. This suggests tensions. And it is tensions that I am – of course – very familiar with. I am a hard worker (Ascendant in Capricorn), but I get easily hurt (Moon in Cancer). Having Saturn conjunct the Moon further suggests the hard working part but also that I can be really hard on myself and that I have had some maternal issues in my childhood. Moon signifies motherhood and the relation to ones own mother. My mother was absent from I was 10 years old and I am the oldest of four so I learned to work hard, comfort others while I needed it myself but couldn’t be comforted myself. Being hard-working has always been my way out of tough situations.
The MC and IC points do not have any planets directly involved and thus these points are not necessarily that significant in my life. Yet, it would be possible to then further interpret that MC is in Scorpio. It suggests that I have intense ambitions, a desire for power and control and an interest in psychology (the Scorpion characteristics). This is to some extent true, but due to a lack of significant aspects and planets involved, one should always be careful in over reading single placements when trying to get an overview or interpret an entire personality.
To give one final indication of a single placement and reading of this, however, in a natal chart, I could turn to having Mars in the 4th house. The 4th house signifies the home and Mars my drive. How I have seen it manifest in my life is that I am always in full control of my home. I get assertive and decisive at home to a far more extent than in other situations such as among friends or at work. I take full care of my family, my children, my house. I rule in my house! I love being at home and having guests, but that may also relate to moon in cancer. So you see, it is often difficult to completely isolate placements.
I hope that some of these descriptions and interpretations can help you maybe try to understand your own natal chart or others, which is the aim of this blog and webpage. I will slowly be getting there where I will provide tools for you to better understand astrology.
Read more in this post The Natal Chart – How to Read It II