If you are born between February 19th and March 20th you are a Pisces. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It symbolizes illusions, fantasies, idealizing and disappointment. Its element is water. I have sun in Pisces square Neptune in Sagittarius in my natal chart. I have often wondered about that – to what extend do my daydreaming stem from being a Pisces or having sun square Neptune? I don’t know. But I do think that I can to a large degree handle my illusions and idealizing since I am pretty aware of it. I have been disappointed in men sooo many times, but as I have gotten older, I have learned to handle it and simply lower expectations and say it out load if I am disappointed. It has helped in my current relationship and my husband is pretty good in handling me being disappointed in him from time to time. An interesting thing is that he has his natal sun in Aquarius square Neptune in Scorpio. Thus, he has the same aspect though he is not a Pisces. Consequently, we have composite sun square Neptune also. But that we have always been really good in handling, maybe because of our individual natal experience. One of the positive aspects of this dominating hard aspect for my husband and I, is that we are really good in understanding other people’s illusions and disappointments. We understand, and we never blame others for not seeing things as they really are straight away. We know the mechanisms.
My sun is in the second house with my Neptune in my 12th house. Neptune is at home in the 12th house. I am not sure if it reinforces illusions, but I do know that other people’s way of idealizing or creating illusions about me is far much greater than my own tendency. And I hate that!! I always tell people, family, friends, and colleagues to try not to expect so much from me. Time after time after time, they do not hear me, and they become disappointed in me. My ex-husband thought he had me for life. He is still not over the fact that I left him. All my previous jobs or projects that I have been engaged in act stunning when I leave. But I ALWAYS warn them. And each time I hear ‘I didn’t think you meant it’. Another similar issue is regarding my ability as a Pisces to reflect other people’s feelings. When I am one to one with a person, I engage so much in that person that he or she often thinks that I feel the same way, but I do not always. I am just a compassionate listener. I guess I do feel the same way in the moment, but from that to think that I will devote my life to that feeling is a long way, I think. Yet, it happens quite often.
Now, to make things even more subtle I have Neptune transiting conjunct Sun coming up. That transit is going to last for a couple of years, and I can’t wait to see what that is all about. I hope that I am so familiar with the feeling and abilities that it does not change much. But lets see. My own remedy will be the usual of telling people to lower their expectations towards me and to keep practicing being honest about who I am and what I feel. A quite challenging task for a Pisces:-).
For more information neptune and pisces check out Neptune in Pisces: Dreamy, Empathetic, and Metaphysical | Tarot.com.
More information on other signs and their ruling planets, please check out The meaning of signs in astrology.